Extreme Makeover Home Editi
Contact us: 602 867 3176

Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Several years ago we were involved in the popular ABC production of "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" in Pinion Arizona. Below are the areas we were assisted:
Attic Thermal Protection: TCM
Insulation: Thermal Control Membrane
Solar Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating: Assisted in the original designs
Solar Electric: Photo voltaic panel and tracking assembly

The Yazzi family home being destroyed by a loader
Part of our crew who helped with the photo voltaic solar system, one of three.
Shown here is a Zomeworks tracker which uses the heat from the sun to track it.
The hot air panel built by Garret Yazzi at age 13
to heat the original trailer with heat from the sun.
Construction went 24/7 until finished 140 hours later
around the perimeter and below the floor in the crawls pace.
A night shot of Thermal Control Membrane installed on the project.
This wrap will keep heat out during the summer and heat in during the winter.
One of three Zomeworks trackers standing ready to provide 6kw of solar power
One bank of two panels used to heat water for domestic hot water and heat
The heat exchanger being installed in the 2000 gallon water tank.
Solar manifold piping for domestic hot water and space heating
One of two solar hot air heaters
The intake and supply for the hot air heater look like this on the inside walls
Pure spectrum light fills the kitchen and bath with sunlight provided by tubular skylights
manufactured by Natural Light Inc.
Click here to visit their web site,
Tubular skylights bring in pure spectrum light without the heat of a light bulb.
Finished project 10/07
Questions? Email us at pleasesavenrg@gmail.com or call our office at 602-867-3176.

Web page design and maintained by B Rad Design Group.
Copyright 1997-2019. All images and text copyrighted by Horizon Energy Systems.