Arizona public service is changing the residential rates. Let us show you how to maximize your energy use and lower your
APS bill! Savers Choice Max demand rate is the best!
The new APS rate "Savers Choice Max" can lower your bill if you use our technology.
Contact us: 602-867-3176


Arizona Public Service Releases New Rates:
On May 1st of 2018, APS will change your rate to one of six new rates.
If you are an existing solar customer using APS please click here.
If you are looking to update your load controller with the new rate schedule click here
Since there are six choices there's one designed to best match your home, loads and occupancy.
Of these six rates, the lowest cost is the "Saver's Choice Max" but comes with a Demand Charge of
17/kW in the Summer and $12/kW during the winter (Oct 1st-May 1st).
The really good news is the off peak charge is only $0.0523 during off peak hours. The goal to
maximize this rate is to use your heavy users of power (heat pump/clothes dryer/water heater/pool
equipment) outside of on peak hours which will be 3pm to 8pm Monday - Friday.
But how can you cool your house and maintain comfort between 3pm and 8pm if the a/c isn't running
when it's 115F outside?
That's our specialty, we've been doing it for decades. Our patented products, means and methods
will allow you to drop your demand lower than it's ever been previously.
Long before this new rate plan became available we have been coaching our customers how to "Shift/
Stagger/Save" (what APS suggests you do), to use as much power as possible during off peak times as
This is nothing new for us. We have been developing products and systems since 1985 and in 1990 we
designed and built a house designed around the time of use rate and the effects were nothing short of
phenomenal! This house uses 93% of the power during off peak times without a load controller.
With our exclusive, patented products we can also make your home so efficient that you won't ever have
to run your a/c or heat pump between 3pm and 8pm which significantly reduces your demand charge.
We call it our "Demand Reduction Package".
What the DRP does:
Cuts demand down to 1.5kW/1000sq feet of livable space even on all electric homes
Significantly increases comfort in every room of the house. All rooms will be the same temperature,
upstairs or down.
Increases indoor air quality
Makes your roofing system last longer
Cuts down on dust inside the house
Negates the need for a load controller
No cloud based, confusing and finicky energy management system to fuss with
Did we mention more comfort? Yes, winter and summer...everyday
More benefits than solar PV and a ROI that is years, not decades away
What a load controller does:
Can cost $3,500+, has WIFI connection problems
Difficult user interface
Controls demand
Known to negatively affect comfort
Lowest demand recommended is 6kW
What now?
Have one of our energy experts visit your home for an in house NRG Audit and we can educate
you on you can take advantage of the APS "Savers Choice Max" rate structure without buying
a $4,000 load controller.

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